
Vicky Harris
Vicky Harris

Designated Safeguarding Lead

07720 634 365

Kate Baker
Kate Baker

Designated Deputy Safeguarding Lead

07311 382 520

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I entered the first course thinking “what can I learn in 90 minutes” only to be bowled over with a fun, interesting and engaging session, totally relevant to the job I have to do as a manager. The booklet handout was perfect giving text and visual aids to support the subjects covered for us to use at a later date but without the boring task of working through it all word for word during the course. Ian and Steve were brilliant course facilitators who really seemed to know what they were talking about and the whole experience left me “buzzing” and keen to put into practise what I’d learnt. When are you here next Guys?

Vicki Rosik
Data Input Manager, Specsavers

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