
Our team of in-house facilitators are amongst the best in world.

Our team of in-house facilitators are amongst the best in world. We know this because our clients tell us, plus the fact that they fly us round the world to deliver key learning and development initiatives speaks volumes about our ability to bring learning to life.

For most adult learning groups a facilitated style is much preferred. This is largely because our expert and experienced facilitators artfully guide participants to self discover and apply learning – rather than having a happy clappy preacher telling people how to do their jobs (which instantly gets peoples backs up).

Over the years we have developed our own unique style of facilitation, using interactive methodology to generate ideas, learning and outputs. Participants always remark on the high level of engagement, focus and fun they have during our facilitated sessions.

Facilitation is suitable for all subject areas and levels of management.

We facilitate learning bespoke meetings and development sessions for everyone from international boards through to first line leader management essentials programmes.


I would encourage any manager who wishes to develop/update on their existing skills, or those managers that would like to gain new skills to participate in one of the numerous training courses run by Fuel Learning.

The course leaders have up to date working and on the job knowledge and use a presentation that openly encourages participation and enjoyment, although at times you will have to put your thinking caps on as not all tasks are paper exercises!!

Their courses are well structured and all material excellently presented, easy to understand and follow.

I have attended many managerial courses during my 20 years in the business and found Fuel Learning deliver the best. As a manager for Norbert Dentressangle - Marks and Spencer, Hardwick, Warrington, we are encourage to put into practice what we learn and I have certainly done this thanks to Fuel Learning.

Brett Payne
Norbert Dentressangle Line Manager at Hardwick

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