Learning at Work Week – Situational Thinking Styles

LAWW - Situational Thinking Styles
There are some actions I intend to take because of the session
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As part of my management training programme I had to complete Functional Skills in English and maths. I felt anxious and nervous as I hadn’t been in a learning environment for many years. However, my teacher (Vicky) was very understanding and patient, she understood my concerns. I can honestly say I have grown in confidence and I found the classes to be very practical and useful.

I had great encouragement and support from my teacher throughout the whole process. Without the support from my teacher and the Functional skills qualification, I would have struggled to complete the apprenticeship.

From what I learnt from my course, I have implemented this into my daily working practice. I have learnt so many great English and maths techniques which are extremely useful. I'm very confident when sending emails with my grammar and punctuation. I have become a confident reader whereas in the past I did not enjoy this. I have to work out various areas for our customers when pricing jobs. I used to really struggle with this aspect of my job, with the additional support from Vicky I no longer struggle.

Dharminder Jittla – Jewson

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