Photo & Video Consent Form

Photo & Video Consent Form

I consent that Fuel Learning can take and use photographs and/or video recordings including still images of me for organisational/business purposes both internally and externally. These images could be used in print and digital media formats including print publications, websites, e-marketing, posters, banners, advertising, film, social media, teaching and research purposes.

Fuel Learning is committed to processing information in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The personal data collected on this form will be held securely and will only be used for administrative purposes.

I understand that images on websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom and that some overseas countries may not provide the same level of protection to the rights of individuals as the UK legislation provides.

I understand that I will not be paid a fee in respect of any present or future use made of the photograph(s) and/or video recording(s).

I understand that some images or recordings may be kept permanently once they are published and be kept in an archive at Fuel Learning.

I have read and understood the conditions and consent to my images being used as described.

Your rights

You have the right to request to see a copy of the information we hold about you and to request corrections or deletions of the information that is no longer required. You can ask Fuel Learning to stop using your images at any time, in which case it will not be used in future publications but may continue to appear in publications already in circulation.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at:


Unlike many courses I have attended Dave's set up and delivery of the course material was a breath of fresh air. He kept the session interesting and recognised when the day needed to be energised. The group responded well and everyone took part in all of the session allowing for flowing information and more importantly some good learnings

Operations Manager
ASOS warehouse

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