Exam Tips for Adult Learners

During our school years, exams are a mandatory and pivotal part of learning and progressing, we get used to being tested. However, for adult learners, exams may feel like a distant memory and a daunting prospect. It’s not unusual for professionals undertaking leadership and management qualifications and training to tell us that it’s been over 15 years since their last written exam.

So, to help adult learners to prepare for and ace their next exams, our Functional Skills team have put together some helpful tips:

3 ways to make the most of your brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming sessions are one of the most effective ways of generating new ideas and finding solutions.

While any method of brainstorming is better than none, leaders can fall into the trap of inviting the same group of people and following the same process every time. This can severely limit the session’s potential through restricting creativity and cause others to feel undervalued and excluded.

So, here are three ways to make the most of your brainstorming sessions.

4 tips to stop emails from controlling your day

Do you start your day sorting through your emails, only to realise an hour or more has already slipped by?

If the answer is “yes” or “sometimes”, we’ve got four handy tips to help you to manage your emails and stop them from controlling your day.

5 Ways of Spotting Stress within the Workplace

It’s important to recognise when a member of your team might be suffering from a high amount of stress before it leads to a drop in morale, productivity and absences.

So, to mark #StressAwarenessWeek 2021, here are some simple ways to recognise stress within your team.