What Does It Mean To Be A Leadership And Management Apprentice?

I find it interesting to see people’s reactions to the phrase ‘being an apprentice’ – this can mean so many different things to people – a character in a Disney film or a young person starting out on a career path maybe, or someone hoping to work for Alan Sugar.

Using the three E’s, Engage, Empower and Enthuse

Now the roadmap out of lockdown has been announced, leaders are afforded time to plan for change. One of the ways of ensuring a smooth transition is to make use of the three E’s: Engage, Empower, Enthuse.

Click on this article to see more.

Reflections of a facilitator during interesting times

I am sure like me you have witnessed very good even excellent leadership, some ok leadership and unfortunately some pretty awful leadership. To that end I would like to share a few observations (not all) that I have collated that sets apart the good and excellent leader from the rest.

6 Important Leadership Skills

The most successful leaders are able to forecast problems. This isn’t a matter of crystal-gazing but rather maintaining a watchful eye on unresolved issues that can shift your teams focus away from the bigger picture.